Facilities Manager | Jul/Aug 2014

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Facilities Manager | july/august 2014 | 23 To Bigger, "APPA is positioning itself for the future. The association has become much more focused on the necessity of looking at the environment and considering sustainability. APPA has the leadership to stay abreast of those issues." He urged current leaders to "address code advocacy before it hap- pens rather than after, so we don't get slapped with code we don't want." Kinnaman agrees: "APPA should be moving in the direction I see it moving—giving access to research and tools to each of our institutions' members, so they can influence decision makers, both acade- micians and vice presidents," she said. "We have to get on their radar screens, and that's what APPA is doing." It's encouraging to see so many past leaders with a positive perspec- tive on APPA's current offerings and future prospects. "Saying 'more of the same' is an easy out, but makes a lot of sense," said Baker. "Enhancing aware- ness among members of the education- al offerings through more intensive marketing efforts may be a worthwhile next step. As the president most closely involved in APPA's centennial, Glenn Smith has a special perspective on its future. "APPA needs to stay focused on those core deliverables that help its members continually raise the bar of excellence—to continually improve those products and services," he said. Taking the long view, "APPA's real success over the years has been stay- ing focused on people—the people sharing common problems in their daily efforts to care for their cam- puses, and ultimately the people those campuses support, the students," said Smith. "If APPA can help our mem- bers stay focused on what is best for our students and directly influence decisions related to physical support for those students, APPA will have an important role to play for the next 100 years." It is probably safe to assume that APPA's other past presidents would share similar perspectives on their accomplishments and the lasting value of belonging to and becoming heavily involved in APPA. Between the fresh insights of new leaders and the contributions of past presidents, APPA is clearly in a great position to reach new heights in its new century. Ruth Thaler-Carter ( is a long-time contribu- tor to the APPA magazine and writer of the annual conference onsite newsletter for the past several years. She is based in Rochester, NY. .:: Wireless thermostat controls of up to 8 Kühl units* from a single wall-mounted thermostat. (optional accessory) H[W ZZZIULHGULFKFRP 7DNHFRQWURORIHQHUJ\XVDJHDQGUHGXFHRSHUDWLQJ H[SHQVHV&RPPHUFLDOJUDGH.¿KODLUFRQGLWLRQHUV FDQEHFRQQHFWHGWRD%XLOGLQJ0DQDJHPHQW6\VWHP RUGHPDQGUHVSRQVHVHUYLFHV • Wi-Fi capabilities • Utility Demand Response • 7-day programmability (with optional accessory-sold separately) • Building Management System capable • Built-in environmental sensors • Commercial-grade durability BMS ready PTACs and Single Package Vertical Units 'XUDELOLW\HQHUJ\PDQDJHPHQW DQGFRQWUROIHDWXUHV

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