First Baptist Church of Glenarden

Vision May 2015

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VISION Magazine 4 V I S I O N First Baptist Church of Glenarden Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. Director, Special Ministries Reverend Thomas Sims Jr. Editor-in-Chief Marilyn Davy Art Director John R. Anderson Jr. Staff Nadia Anderson, Tolu Bankole, Julio Barreto, Alesia Barron, Amanda Blackmon, Octavia Braye, Kayla Braye, Marguerite Brown, Edna Butler, Kissa Clark, Insana Collins, Evangeline Covington, Terri Craig, Stacey Crawford, Kirk Daley, Jessica Dennis, Tyrone Eddins, Justine Elliot, Dion Gray, Shanice Grooms, Tyrone Guiden, Pyper Harvey, Bianca Holman, Nikole Holt, Patricia Clark Jackson, Ollie Jefferson, Phyllis Johnson, Sherese Johnson, Nadine Jones, Shaakira Jones, Jerry King, Roy Matthews, Ursula Oliver, Shannon Outlaw, Michelle Overstreet, Simmone Patrick, Ebony Price, Aleysha Proctor, Evelyn Kim Rhim, Mary Singleton, Robin Smiles, Corwin Smith, Patricia Smith, Verna Smith, Kaylen Tucker, Tameesha Tucker, Shirley Turner, Janet Walton VISION is published Ä]L[PTLZH`LHYI`[OL First Baptist Church of Glenarden Magazine Ministry. Contact us at or 301-773-3600. ISSN 2164-7720 (print) INSIDE THIS Edition I magine being given an assignment by God like the one charged to Moses at the Burning Bush. Moses was to deliver a message to Pharaoh from God to let the Israelites go and then lead them to the Promised Land (Exodus 3:1-15). Moses said to God, "Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you and they say to me, 'What is His name?' what shall I say to them?" And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you'" (Exodus 3:13-14). The name that is above all earthly and heavenly names is Yahweh, the great "I AM THAT I AM." The greatest of all the names for the Lord Jesus Christ is the I AM, the everlasting, eternal God, the Maker of all things. When Jesus fed 5,000 men, He declared, "I am the Bread of Life" (John 6:35). He alone is able to satisfy the greatest spiritual hunger in your life. "I am the Light of the world" (John 8:12; 9:5). He healed a blind man groping in darkness and then opened his spiritual eyes so he could see the great I AM and worship Him. He is the only door into God's presence. He said, "I am the Door" (John 10:7, 9). All other doors lead down the wrong path and to eternal destruction. Jesus is the entrance into eternal life (Acts 4:12). "I am the Good Shepherd" (John 10:11, 14). There are a lot of false shepherds herding up stray sheep to take to slaughter. Jesus is the only Good Shepherd. He will take you by the hand and lead you into the Father's presence and give you His nourishment. Jesus conquered death. Not only did He say, "I am the resurrection and life" (John 11:25-26), but He rose from the dead to prove it. This is the great evidence that Jesus Christ is the great I AM THAT I AM. He died, was buried, and three days later rose from the dead. Because He is alive, He can give the resurrection life. He is the One who has carried you into 2015. And just as He did with Moses, God has called each of us for a special purpose. The call may appear to be dauntless, but be reminded that we serve an all-powerful God with limitless possibilities. As disciples of Jesus *OYPZ[^LHYLZLY]HU[ZVM[OL3P]PUN.VKZHUJ[PÄLKZL[HWHY[MVY/PZ righteousness. We, the members of VISION Magazine pray that 2015 will draw you closer than ever to the great I AM as you experience the Year of Restoration.

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