First Baptist Church of Glenarden

Grace - Spring 2015

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2 First Lady's Touch Relationships Matter Relationships are the building blocks of life. They help us connect, form bonds, assemble alliances and create blood WLHV:KHWKHULW¶VDIULHQGVKLSNLQVKLSFRXUWVKLSRU¿QDQFLDO or working relationship, our associations not only matter, but they are an essential part of our daily lives. Throughout the Bible, we are taught the value of relationships with lessons in forgiveness and reconciliation, guidance on FRUSRUDWHZRUVKLSKRQRULQJRXU¿QDQFLDOFRPPLWPHQWVWKH marriage covenant, parental commandments, our relationship with God and many others. As you explore this issue of Grace Magazine, we invite you to follow several writers as they examine their own relationships, such as coping with the strain of childhood sibling rivalries as adults. Get tips on how to quell the messiness in your friendships and restore them to good health. Read how changing your outlook can change your perceptions. Purge, de-clutter and position your business for success using the nine principles for Christian business relationships. Read "What's Up, Doc?" and learn ways to establish a healthier patient-physician partnership for better health outcomes. See how connecting to ministries within a mega- church can minimize the size of the church and make you feel ULJKWDWKRPH6HYHUDORIRXU¿UVWODGLHVDQGGHDFRQHVVHV interviewed in "Tea Time," were once new members and have done just that. Here's to what matters most, building and sustaining healthy relationships! Sealed with love, First Lady Trina Jenkins

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