First Baptist Church of Glenarden

Grace - Fall 2015

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Grace Magazine | Fall 2015 2 7KHFULPVRQVWDLQRQWKHFURVVUHPLQGVXVRIWKHHQGHDULQJVDFUL¿FH*RG made to show His love for us. Yet, oftentimes we allow life's interruptions, setbacks and our own personal decisions to do things our way or get in the ZD\RIH[SHULHQFLQJWKHIXOOQHVVRI*RG¶VORYH 'HVSLWHRXUÀHHWLQJWKRXJKWVJULSHVDQGPRDQV+HORYHVXV7KURXJKWKH pain of repeated disappointments, the residual effects of past mistakes and WKHDJRQ\RIGHIHDW*RG¶VORYHLVFRQVWDQW,WQHYHUIDLOV ,QWKLVIDOOLVVXHRIGrace Magazine, shed the dead weight, unloose the shackles and revel in the remarkable comebacks many of our sisters have faced by forging through their circumstances. They are being restored, learning how to love themselves, validating their worth, ending ungodly soul ties and stepping out on faith to awaken their entrepreneurial spirit. They are learning to be still – limiting the distractions from their mind to redirect their thought life. They are reaching beyond the hurt, pain, grief and loneliness to create a new state of being RESTORED. We may all be at different faith walks, but no matter where we are today, *RG¶VORYHFDQPHHWXVDWRXUSRLQWRIQHHGFUDGOHXVLQWKHZDUPWKRI+LV love and refresh and restore our soul. Whatever your situation may be — illness, joblessness, trying teens or other things – we can REST in His love, undergoing a Refreshing Experience of a Soul Transformation that reclaims and restores. Restored because of His LOVE! With love, Fir Lady Trina )LUVW/DG\7ULQD-HQNLQV Restored First Lady's Touch 2

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